Monday, 25 January 2016

Work wear part 1

One thing that I know a lot of women struggle with is stylish office wear.  I’m a PA for a large corporate firm and whilst I don’t attend client meetings, there is still a requirement for me to dress smartly.  But dressing smartly doesn’t have to be at the cost of dressing stylishly and as we spend so much time at the coalface, why shouldn’t we give our work wardrobes the same care and thought we give our off duty ones?  Several years ago someone gave me some really useful advice.  The advice giver wasn’t particularly nice actually but I’ve referred back to her school of thought over and over.  I can’t remember the exact phrasing but it went something along the lines of “don’t wear anything to work that you wouldn’t be happy to be seen in after work in a cool bar or nice restaurant”.  I’m sure it was actually more succinct than that but you get the gist.  I still remember this advice when I’m shopping and dressing for the office and clearly, I’m not saying that I roll up to the office in sequins and cocktail dresses but likewise, I'm not pulling on poly trouser suits and a sensible court either.


I have quite a large work wardrobe because I like lots of choice but you can easily dress well for the office with just some core pieces.  All my work wear is from the (excellent British) high street but I cherry pick natural fabrics (wool, cotton, silk, leather) and stick to classic colours and prints.  Another thing that works for me is taking influence from past eras – personally I love ‘50s and ‘60s style but I also think nods to those eras lend themselves well to an office environment.  Pencil skirt, fitted jumper, classic stilettoes?  Perfect timeless ‘50s chic.


So let’s start and I apologise in advance for any wanky fashion terms that may creep in.


Starting at the top with, er, tops...


Fine knit crew neck and polo neck jumpers in cotton or merino wool – the polo necks are a God-send during the winter months and the crews look great on their own or with a white shirt underneath.  The crew necks can be long or short sleeved as both work well in an office wardrobe.  Don’t buy acrylic or polyester – you’ll sweat in the summer and freeze in the winter and the jumper will look fit for the bin after a month.  Uniqlo, Boden, Zara (check the fibre content) and J Crew do brilliant versions.  I have these jumpers in lots of colours but a grey, navy, black and maybe a colour (I love a red jumper) are a good place to start.

red and black Tippi crew neck - J Crew (these are brilliant and currently on sale)
grey polo neck - Uniqlo
pale pink crew neck - Boden

White cotton shirt – to go under the crew necked jumpers for a classic preppy look in the colder months or to wear on its own (tuck it into a pencil skirt and roll the sleeves up) in the summer.  I have lots of different fits but a classic slim (but not fitted) cut will  be an excellent all-rounder.  Check ASOS and H&M for great value thinner shirts (ones that you’d probably only wear under a jumper) and Boden, J Crew and Uniqlo for thicker, dressier styles.  White shirts do go grey after a time so I don’t spend too much on these.

white cotton shirt - H&M

Statement top/blouse – for me, these have to be silk or cotton or at the very least viscose as polyester makes my skin crawl but I realise that most people aren’t as freakishly fussy as me.  TBH most of my statement blouses (sorry, that’s is such a bad phrase) were originally bought for “going out” and have been relegated to work wear.  Look for pieces that still have that smart edge but don’t scream corporate, so perhaps something that you would imagine wearing with a smart pair of jeans and heels for an evening out.  These little gems pop up everywhere on the high street so keep ‘em peeled.

navy Gwyneth blouse - Boden
ivory Tamara blouse - Boden
black pussy bow blouse - Warehouse
black and white ditsy blouse - M&S


Grey fitted teeshirt – one of the hardest working pieces in my wardrobe.  As well as being perfect to throw on with jeans at the weekends, a well cut grey teeshirt will look awesome with a statement skirt or fitted trousers.  I always go for crew neck and I’ve just bought a few more from Uniqlo to add to my collection – can’t rate them highly enough.  J Crew do a more expensive and equally as perfect version.

grey teeshirt - Uniqlo
grey Perfect Fit teeshirt - J Crew

This is one of my favourite, no-brainer looks for the office worn with black tapered trousers and heels.

Next time, bottoms...

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