Saturday, 19 December 2015

Well, hello....

By way of some kind of introduction, writing about a subject I have a true passion for is something I’ve considered for a while.  And I really am truly passionate about my chosen subject: style.  And more specifically how the clothes we wear impact that style. 

Over the years, I have helped some of my lovely friends who’ve lost their way a little in the style stakes, rediscover what they like and what likes them.  In some cases, they never really knew what they liked in the first instance so a whole imagine/style evaluation exercise has been undertaken which I’ve enjoyed immensely.  Quandaries have ranged from the simple “which shoes look better with this dress” to the more complex “I’m going on holiday and haven’t a clue what to buy/take/wear”.  I’d never really given these discussions much thought but my friends seem to think that I’m actually OK at this kind of thing.  One even went so far as to suggest that I may have missed my calling. 

They may be onto something.  I do adore clothes, shopping, outfit planning – many tedious trips around Sainsbury’s and wet walks to work have been spent thinking about what I’ll wear on Saturday night.  A bit of fash-chat is very nearly my favourite thing, only superseded by my children and a good G&T.

My love affair with clothes (and when I say ”clothes” I am, of course, including shoes, bags and accessories), goes way back.  Back to a pair of Clarks’ black patent shoes with an ankle strap at age 10.  Back to a fawn (eighties word or what?!) kilt which was shot through with gold thread and was part of my (fabulous) Christmas Day outfit aged 8.  Back to a fuchsia and white batwing jumper from Chelsea Girl aged 14 that I wore until it fell apart.  So you see, I really do LOVE clothes.  I love how an excellent pair of heels can change an otherwise fairly dull outfit.  I love how a gorgeous cashmere sweater and a favourite pair of jeans can look so effortlessly cool.  I love the thrill of pulling on a really beautifully cut winter coat.  God I love coats…… 

With regards to my style and what I like, we’re not talking rocket science here.  I’m not what you could ever call edgy or ground breaking – I’m 42, those days are long gone, if they were ever actually here in the first place.  No, I’m talking classics and lots of ‘em.  Grey, stripes, a red nail, a lot of denim, shirts, black for evenings, a statement heel, cashmere (I have a thing for cashmere, you’ll see).  As I said, no wheels will be reinvented here.  So I guess this is a place to cast my thoughts, musings, ideas, suggestions.  Oh and to chart the progress of a very dear friend who has nobly agreed to be my protégé, my work in progress, my guinea pig if you will.  To be photographed and analysed ruthlessly in an attempt to see if I am actually any cop at this style thing.


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